Vanilla Layer Cake with Raspberries and Mascarpone Frosting

Mikey's In My Kitchen

This is THE cake of your dreams. I promise.

I never want to make and then consume another cake or frosting ever again. This cake is too good. I saw a cake like this and loved how pretty it was but couldn’t find a recipe that I liked. I looked for months. Then finally, I found it. With a few little tweaks I’ve found what is the best white cake/frosting combo of all time. You choose the fruit/filling of your choice and I promise you dreams will come true.


The older I get the more I like fruit with my dessert (I literally remember being so annoyed when all the old church ladies would bring lemon bars and fruit desserts to all the potlucks and now I’m starting to get it. Plus there’s the diabetes I guess…). Don’t get me wrong, fruit certainly isn’t a necessity in my desserts. I…

View original post 346 more words

5 things only tall people understand

If like me you come from a family of giants and have inherited the tall gene you know all about the daily challenges and battles that we tall people face….

1) Group photos usually look something like this

Because even though you’ve mastered ‘the crouch’ to make you level with your friends it is still as uncomfortable as Hell!

2) Heels are a Love/Hate relationship

They look fabulous and make you feel fabulous. But you end up looking like a giraffe on stilts and after one to many shots balance becomes a problem.

3) You always seems to end up taking the selfies

Just because we have long arms does not mean we want to have to take them. Long arms does not guarantee a good selfies

4) We can sympathise with Miranda Harte

While most find the 6’1 comedian hilarious every time she knocks into something or trips we tall people know the pain of navigating our way through a sea of chairs!

5) Leg room in cars and airplanes is awful

This usually results in dead legs, foot cramps, and general discomfort!

5 signs summer is over

Ugh! I cannot explain it any other words. UGH! It seems like only yesterday that you and your friends were scheming all the mischief and mayhem you planned on reaping over the course of the summer. May it be a girls holiday in sunny Spain or just hanging out together because the possibilities (and time) were endless! But it seems summer skimmed over the top of our noses without us even realising it! How does that even happen? And soon the shops are filled with ‘back to school’ stuff, there is a slight bight in the wind, and all of a sudden those shorts we lived in throughout the summer don’t seem like such a good idea anymore!

1. Shops are filled with back to school stuff

The first and ultimate sign that summer is over. It starts of with the odd refill pad and pens but then it quickly explodes into a full blown epidemic of black shoes, new bags, and shops promoting healthy packed lunches!

2. Blackberries begin to appear

One of the upsides to the end of summer is blackberries growing on hedges up and down the country. Grab a friend or two and hit the roads in search of black berries. Then when you get home turn those delicious  blackberries into a crumble with LOTS of custard!

3. People begin to brainstorm Halloween costume ideas

If you are a Halloween fiend like me then you will defiantly begin planning in early September! Its a glimmer of hope at the end of a very, very long tunnel. Besides it doesn’t hurt to be to prepared it also means that you are  more than likely going to have an original costume that know one else would even think of in their lifetime. I know a girl who began planning her costume in September of last year and I can promise you that no one else was dressed as a bohrán! I may or may not be guilty of planning my costume in September….

4. The leaves are beginning to turn

Again, one of the nicer things about Autumn is that the trees are awash with yellow, red, and orange. Its such a pretty sight before winter get its claws into things and the trees are as naked as a nudist!

5. A/W collections begin to appear in shops

Gone are the shorts and gladiator sandals and in are the knitted jumpers, winter boots, and coats. . Unless you are willing to suffer from hypothermia for the sake of getting one last wear out of that maxi skirt or insist its warm enough to not wear a jumper its time to visit your local shopping centre to stock up on hats, woolly jumpers, and fluffy socks.

The chocolate chip cookie experiment: entry 1

Recipe: Best chocolate chip recipe from the YouTube channel “kawaiisweetworld”

Texture: crunchy outside with a soft centre

chunks/chips: chunks (dark chocolate)

dough: vanilla

Verdict: nice, delicious, a bit “eggy”


2 cups of plain flour

1/2 tsp. of bicarbonate of soda

1/2 tsp. of salt

3 oz of butter (melted)

1 cup of brown sugar

1/2 cup of caster sugar

1 tbsp. of vanilla extract

1 egg

1 egg yolk

1 cup/200g of chocolate chunks (just chop up a bar of dark chocolate)

1) Preheat the oven to 180. Line three large baking trays with greaseproof paper.

2) In a medium sized bowl whisk together the flour, salt, bicarbonate of soda.

3) In a larger bowl mix together the melted butter and sugars. Add in the egg, egg yolk, and vanilla then give it a good stir.

4) Add the dry ingredients to the butter and sugar mix and mix until it forms a stiff dough. Mix in the chocolate chips.

5) Cover the mix with cling film and chill for 20 minutes.

6) Using an ice cream scoop, scoop out the dough onto the baking trays making sure that the cookies are well spaced apart.

7) Bake for 12-15 minutes or until the cookies are golden on the edges.

8) Enjoy them warm with a glass of ice cold milk

*I apologise for lack of pictures its just these cookies got devoured before I hade a chance to take one*

The chocolate chip cookie experiment

Chocolate chip cookies, yum!  Soft, golden cookies with melted chocolate chips fresh from the oven accompanied by a glass of ice cold milk. Who doesn’t love that? It has been widely debated about what’s the best kind of chocolate chip cookie. Some like them soft, some like them crispy, some like the dough chocolate with chocolate chips, some like it with chocolate chips and vanilla dough, some like the chocolate chips milk, some like the chips dark, some enjoy white chocolate while others like chunks! What is the best type of chocolate chip cookie? Well, fellow chocolate chip cookie lovers, I am setting out to discover what is the best chocolate chip cookie recipe (to my teams that is. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that). Each week there is a home match its the home teams job to supply food (as of last year we were Leinster regional champions, Division 1 semi-finalists, and home of the best brownie. Baked by yours truly) and each time we play a home match this season I will try a different cookie recipe and see what’s the outcome of each recipe. Each week I will post up the cookie recipe and the results. So onwards to the kitchen to bake!

Banana Bread

“Yes, sir, but the Librarian likes bananas, sir.”
“Very nourishin’ fruit, Mr Stibbons.”
“Yes, sir. Although, funnily enough it’s not actually a fruit, sir.”
“Yes, sir. Botanically, it’s a type of fish, sir. According to my theory it’s cladistically associated with the Krullian pipefish, sir, which of course is also yellow and goes around in bunches or shoals.”
“And lives in trees?”
“Well, not usually, sir. The banana is obviously exploiting a new niche.”
“Good heavens, really? It’s a funny thing, but I’ve never much liked bananas and I’ve always been a bit suspicious of fish, too. That’d explain it.”
Terry Pratchett, Hogfather

Well, ladies and Gents, as you can see I have taken a break from my more recent posts about it being Debs season etc. and gone back to posting baking recipes. Recently I have found myself  with a free house most days which has resulted in me baking. Quite a lot. And considering I have seventeen more days until college starts something tells me that this baking spree isn’t going to end anytime soon. Now my mother has a habit of buying bananas by the truckload which is strange considering I am actually the only person in my house who eats bananas. Occasionally my Dad will have one on his cereal but that’s the absolute extent! Ireland is also experiencing something that only happens once every couple of generations. The sun. Yes the sun is shining and its glorious. Unfortunately this means our untouched bananas our going black very quickly. The result being many loaves of banana bread. I found this amazing recipe on the Pioneer Woman website (link here: which I am OBSESSED with. I added some walnuts and orange glacée icing for a little something extra but you can leave it plain if you want. The original recipe calls for a Bundt pan or it makes two loaves. Now lets make banana bread!

8oz of butter

1-1/2 cups + 2tbsp of sugar

3 eggs

1-1/2 cups of mashed banana

4 cups+2 tbsp. of flour

1 tsp. of baking soda

1-1/2 tsp. of baking powder

1-1/2 cups of sour cream (if you cannot find sour cream I make a cheap substitute by mixing 1 cup of natural yoghurt with 1/2 cup of milk 1tbsp. of vinegar then leaving to sit)

glacée icing made using the zest of one orange and the juice of half an orange

1) Preheat the oven to 180. Grase and line whatever style tin you are using.

2) Cream the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy. In a separate bowl mix together the dry ingredients.

3) Beat in the eggs one at a time. Add the bananas and mix until fully incorporated.

4) Add the flour mix and gently fold. If you are adding walnuts now is the time to add them. I used about 180g from a 200g bag. I then used the remaining walnuts to decorate the banana bread.

5) Now mix in the sour cream until it is fully incorporated and pour into your tin.

6) Bake in the oven for 1-1/2 hours or until risen and golden and a skewer comes out clean when inserted into the middle of the cake.


The 5 best Prom movies

Before I start may I say it goes against my religion to use the word ‘prom’. I’m Irish therefore it is ‘Debs’ but because it seems the word ‘Debs’ is only confined to Ireland I am therefore using the word ‘prom’. Don’t expect this to be a regular thing! Now as I mentioned in my last post its Debs season so I have put together a list of some of the best ‘Prom’ movies. So sit back, grab some popcorn, and LETS DANCEEEEE!

1. Footloose

Brilliant music, brilliant moves, brilliant cast, and amazing story. Footloose is about Chicago teenager Ren McCormack  who moves to the small rural town of Beaumont with his mother to live with his aunt and uncle. Dancing and music has been banned in Beaumont after a car accident which claimed the lives of several local teenagers including the dominating Reverend Shaw’s son. Ren sets out to prove to the town elders that music isn’t something to fear and to get a prom for the senior class of Beaumont high school. All the while managing to nab the rebellious but loveable preacher’s daughter Ariel and busting some great dance moves with pal Wilber. An amazing cast headed by a young Kevin Bacon and possibly one of the most iconic dance scenes in cinema history this movie is not one to be missed!

2. 10 things I hate about you

Not technically a prom movie but one of my top three favourite movies so I had to mention it! Kat Stanford is the hard-as-nails, tough feminist who doesn’t give a toss about what anyone thinks of her and doesn’t give the male species a second glance. Bianca Stanford is Kat’s popular, perky sister. Cameron James is the shy new kid who is infatuated with Bianca. Michael Eckman is Cameron’s business-minded geeky best friend. Joey Donner is the asshole model who makes a bet with his friends he can get Bianca to sleep with him on prom night. Patrick Verona is the dark and dashing rebel. And Walter Stanford Bianca and Kat’s father has only one rule; Bianca doesn’t date until Kat does. Based  on William Shakespeare’s The taming of the shrew this story centres around Kat and Patrick who is being paid by Joey Donner to take Kat out so he can bring Bianca to the prom. Though Patrick is secretly working with Michael and Cameron to get Bianca to go out with Cameron. Confusing? Yes! But it is based on a Shakespeare play and nothing was ever simple with him! A feel good romance which see’s how far some guys go to get a date!

3. Pretty in Pink

One of John Hughes’s iconic 1980’s “Brat Pack” films Molly Ringwald plays Andie. A girl from a working class area who wants to be a fashion designer. When Andie starts going out with the rich Blane McDonough, Andie and her best friend Duckie become subject to taunts and jeering by Blane’s wealthy social circle. A film that is guaranteed to make you laugh and maybe make you cry this film is about showing them that they didn’t break you!

4. She’s all that

Not one of my personal favourites but a definite prom movie. Rachel Leigh Cook as Lanie is the unpopular art student. Freddie Prinze Jr as Zack is the ivy league bound popular guy. Paul Walker as Dean is the best friend who challenges Zack to make a prom queen out of Lanie in six weeks. Slightly  My fair lady-esque but a great cast and possibly the most choreographed prom dance ever!

5. Carrie

This movie is about the chirpy, preppy Carrie who goes to the prom with her loving and loyal football-playing boyfriend. NOT! Based on a novel by the ever-bright and hopeful Stephan King this movie is about a shy, friendless girl named Carrie who has the power of telekinesis and lives with her Christian fundamentalist mother Margaret. Containing blood (lots of it!), a young John Travolta, and a guarantee of no sleep for at least three weeks this is one to show to any potential deb/prom dates to prove that you could be worse!

You know its Debs season when…

Its that time of the year again. The leaves are just turning, the back to school adds are jingling away on the radio *shudder*, but most importantly IT’S DEBS SEASON! I love debs season. The dresses, the photos on Facebook, the corsages, and the right of passage which is going around to some poor debutante’s house and having a good gawk as their date nervously fumbles with getting the corsage out of the box and placing it on her wrist. Or in my friend Maria’s case the corsage got stuck in the box and it took three people (including me) to help her poor date, Gabriel, get it out. Enough rambling and on with the show! Here are the key signs that it’s deb season (oh and if you are not Irish and unsure of what the ‘debs’ is. Its basically prom).

1. There is some really bad fake tan going around
blog-fake tan
Ladies, why? Why is there a need to go around looking like an umpalumpa? I know the Irish are famous for looking like Casper the ghost but seriously if you are going to get a tan done at least make it subtle or somewhat decent. Or just do what my team mate Caoimhe’s cousin did. Sent Caoimhe in first a few weeks in advance to see how it turned out. The result: not good! But it meant her cousin didn’t have a bad tan for her debs!

2. Every school in Ireland seems to be descending on Dunboyne or Tullamore

Yeah no one ever explained this one to us. Why Dunboyne or Tullamore? One teacher says its because its out of the way, another told us because they have a deal going on with a particular hotel in Tullamore each year, or our class tutor says that they were hoping we’d get lost en route!

3. Spanx are in high demand

At the start of the summer we swore we would eat healthy and do lots of exercise to get in shape for the debs. Yeah that one went out the window the minute we heard the ice cream van! But do not fear for spanxs are here. While a pair of Spanx are within reach we are safe!

4.  Your Facebook news feed is full of debs photos

Now this one gets old very fast. At the start of debs season its really exciting especially if you haven’t been to your debs yet. But soon all the dresses look the same, as do the dates, and corsages.  Soon you are getting impatient for your night to arrive and anytime you see a picture of someone in a long dress all you can think of is how much you hate that person.

5. You have to listen to girls in the cubicle next to yours debating with her shopping companion whether or not to buy the dress.

May it be her mother, granny, or friends there is always someone in the shopping cubicle next to yours telling whoever is with her that Saoirse Doherty bought the exact same dress in sunset orange so there is no way possible that she could buy the dress in midnight black. Or even worse when they find a dress they like and spend five minutes asking, “is this the one?”, “are you sure?”, “OK I’M GOING TO BUY IT SQUEEEEE!”.

Lemon and lavender shortbread

100g of icing sugar

175g of butter

2 tbsp. of fresh finely chopped lavender

200g of plain flour

25g of cornflour

White glacée icing made with lemon juice 

1) Grease and line three baking trays. Beat the lavender and butter together.

2) Add the icing sugar and beat together.

3) Sieve in the flour then mix gently.

4) Roll the mixture into a sausage shape and wrap in cling film.

5) Preheat the oven to 180 Degrees Celsius and chill the dough until firm.

6) When the dough is chilled slice the mixture into 1cm pieces then arrange on the baking tray.

7) Chill for another 10 minutes before baking for 15-20 minutes.

8) Leave the biscuits to cool on a wire tray and when cool drizzle with the glacée icing.

9) Now kick back with one of your lovely biscuits and a cup of tae

My first experience of cooking naan bread and other news

“there are many points in life when we cannot see what awaits us around the corner, and it is precisely at such times, when our path forward is unclear, that we must bravely keep our nerve, resolutely putting one foot before the other as we march blindly into the dark.”
Richard C. Morais, The Hundred-Foot Journey

(a movie about Indian cuisine. Seems both appropriate and deep and meaningful)

Today I channelled my inner tandoori chef and cooked homemade naan breads! I had set out with  the intention of making simple vegetable curry for the dinner when my auntie (who is married to an Italian and has mastered the art of Italian bread which led to her learning how to make naan) suggested we make naan bread to go with the curry. Now I love lots of things. I love baking, my dogs, my friends, good food, Fleetwood Mac (Stevie Nicks is my favourite!), movies, books, rugby, my onsie, Halloween, but one of my greatest loves is naan bread! I LOVE INDIAN FOOD! Korma, Curry, Tikka Masala, biryani, oh my God I love Indian especially Naan bread! But those who know me know that bread is something that I cannot seem master. It defiantly doesn’t fall into the things I hate category (which consists of rudeness, swearing, late buses, double French first thing on a Monday morning!) nor does it fall into the things I love category but it seems to hover in limbo between the two. So off I went with my auntie to cook naan. I was amazed about how easy it was. We started by putting 500g of strong white flour, 2 tsp. of salt, 7g of fast action yeast into the kitchen aid with the dough hook and giving it a quick mix. Then add 3 tbsp. of melted butter to the flour  mixture. Measure out 300ml of warm water and add about two tbsp. of water then mix on the lowest speed. Gradually add more or less water depending on the consistency of the mix add more water or flour. The mix should stick to the centre of the bowl while ‘cleaning’ the sides of the bowl. Cover with cling film and leave to prove for just over one hour (we left it for 70 minutes). Divide the mixture into eight balls then roll them out with a rolling pin until the are long and paper thin. You can also pinch it by the ends of give it a quick shake.

My auntie rolling out the naans

Next heat up a frying pan or we have griddle surface which works well as does an aga surface. Fry the naan on one side until it bubbles and looks like this

This picture shows how what the naan should look like when its cooked on one side while bubbling on the other

When the naans have cooked place them in an oven for a couple of minutes and just before you serve them brush them with olive oil, finely chopped garlic and coriander then devour.

Now onto the other part of this blog post. I received my leaving cert results and have met all the entry requirements for my course!

In September I will start my course in Pre-nursing with maternity care support in hope of pursuing my career as a midwife. So I apologise in advance for the lack of future posts. I will leave you fine people to make your naan breads and I am off to watch The Rose of Tralee!