The 5 best Prom movies

Before I start may I say it goes against my religion to use the word ‘prom’. I’m Irish therefore it is ‘Debs’ but because it seems the word ‘Debs’ is only confined to Ireland I am therefore using the word ‘prom’. Don’t expect this to be a regular thing! Now as I mentioned in my last post its Debs season so I have put together a list of some of the best ‘Prom’ movies. So sit back, grab some popcorn, and LETS DANCEEEEE!

1. Footloose

Brilliant music, brilliant moves, brilliant cast, and amazing story. Footloose is about Chicago teenager Ren McCormack  who moves to the small rural town of Beaumont with his mother to live with his aunt and uncle. Dancing and music has been banned in Beaumont after a car accident which claimed the lives of several local teenagers including the dominating Reverend Shaw’s son. Ren sets out to prove to the town elders that music isn’t something to fear and to get a prom for the senior class of Beaumont high school. All the while managing to nab the rebellious but loveable preacher’s daughter Ariel and busting some great dance moves with pal Wilber. An amazing cast headed by a young Kevin Bacon and possibly one of the most iconic dance scenes in cinema history this movie is not one to be missed!

2. 10 things I hate about you

Not technically a prom movie but one of my top three favourite movies so I had to mention it! Kat Stanford is the hard-as-nails, tough feminist who doesn’t give a toss about what anyone thinks of her and doesn’t give the male species a second glance. Bianca Stanford is Kat’s popular, perky sister. Cameron James is the shy new kid who is infatuated with Bianca. Michael Eckman is Cameron’s business-minded geeky best friend. Joey Donner is the asshole model who makes a bet with his friends he can get Bianca to sleep with him on prom night. Patrick Verona is the dark and dashing rebel. And Walter Stanford Bianca and Kat’s father has only one rule; Bianca doesn’t date until Kat does. Based  on William Shakespeare’s The taming of the shrew this story centres around Kat and Patrick who is being paid by Joey Donner to take Kat out so he can bring Bianca to the prom. Though Patrick is secretly working with Michael and Cameron to get Bianca to go out with Cameron. Confusing? Yes! But it is based on a Shakespeare play and nothing was ever simple with him! A feel good romance which see’s how far some guys go to get a date!

3. Pretty in Pink

One of John Hughes’s iconic 1980’s “Brat Pack” films Molly Ringwald plays Andie. A girl from a working class area who wants to be a fashion designer. When Andie starts going out with the rich Blane McDonough, Andie and her best friend Duckie become subject to taunts and jeering by Blane’s wealthy social circle. A film that is guaranteed to make you laugh and maybe make you cry this film is about showing them that they didn’t break you!

4. She’s all that

Not one of my personal favourites but a definite prom movie. Rachel Leigh Cook as Lanie is the unpopular art student. Freddie Prinze Jr as Zack is the ivy league bound popular guy. Paul Walker as Dean is the best friend who challenges Zack to make a prom queen out of Lanie in six weeks. Slightly  My fair lady-esque but a great cast and possibly the most choreographed prom dance ever!

5. Carrie

This movie is about the chirpy, preppy Carrie who goes to the prom with her loving and loyal football-playing boyfriend. NOT! Based on a novel by the ever-bright and hopeful Stephan King this movie is about a shy, friendless girl named Carrie who has the power of telekinesis and lives with her Christian fundamentalist mother Margaret. Containing blood (lots of it!), a young John Travolta, and a guarantee of no sleep for at least three weeks this is one to show to any potential deb/prom dates to prove that you could be worse!

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