You know its Debs season when…

Its that time of the year again. The leaves are just turning, the back to school adds are jingling away on the radio *shudder*, but most importantly IT’S DEBS SEASON! I love debs season. The dresses, the photos on Facebook, the corsages, and the right of passage which is going around to some poor debutante’s house and having a good gawk as their date nervously fumbles with getting the corsage out of the box and placing it on her wrist. Or in my friend Maria’s case the corsage got stuck in the box and it took three people (including me) to help her poor date, Gabriel, get it out. Enough rambling and on with the show! Here are the key signs that it’s deb season (oh and if you are not Irish and unsure of what the ‘debs’ is. Its basically prom).

1. There is some really bad fake tan going around
blog-fake tan
Ladies, why? Why is there a need to go around looking like an umpalumpa? I know the Irish are famous for looking like Casper the ghost but seriously if you are going to get a tan done at least make it subtle or somewhat decent. Or just do what my team mate Caoimhe’s cousin did. Sent Caoimhe in first a few weeks in advance to see how it turned out. The result: not good! But it meant her cousin didn’t have a bad tan for her debs!

2. Every school in Ireland seems to be descending on Dunboyne or Tullamore

Yeah no one ever explained this one to us. Why Dunboyne or Tullamore? One teacher says its because its out of the way, another told us because they have a deal going on with a particular hotel in Tullamore each year, or our class tutor says that they were hoping we’d get lost en route!

3. Spanx are in high demand

At the start of the summer we swore we would eat healthy and do lots of exercise to get in shape for the debs. Yeah that one went out the window the minute we heard the ice cream van! But do not fear for spanxs are here. While a pair of Spanx are within reach we are safe!

4.  Your Facebook news feed is full of debs photos

Now this one gets old very fast. At the start of debs season its really exciting especially if you haven’t been to your debs yet. But soon all the dresses look the same, as do the dates, and corsages.  Soon you are getting impatient for your night to arrive and anytime you see a picture of someone in a long dress all you can think of is how much you hate that person.

5. You have to listen to girls in the cubicle next to yours debating with her shopping companion whether or not to buy the dress.

May it be her mother, granny, or friends there is always someone in the shopping cubicle next to yours telling whoever is with her that Saoirse Doherty bought the exact same dress in sunset orange so there is no way possible that she could buy the dress in midnight black. Or even worse when they find a dress they like and spend five minutes asking, “is this the one?”, “are you sure?”, “OK I’M GOING TO BUY IT SQUEEEEE!”.

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